Questions and answers about HFX stainless for roofs, facades and roof drainage

A metal facade for a single-family home?

In fact, more and more building owners are opting for a stainless steel facade or roof. In terms of durability, freedom from maintenance, beauty, safety and environmental protection, there is hardly a material with better properties. What's more, with ROOFINOX, every style and every building shape is possible. For the realization of all your ideas - like no other.

Warum sollte ich Dachrinnen aus Roofinox HFX Edelstahl anbringen?

Ein Roofinox Entwässerungssystem geht nicht kaputt, es ist absolut sturmsicher. Sie werden kein Geld und keine Zeit mehr für Reparaturen oder für die Wartung aufwenden müssen. Wenn diese Entwässerung einmal an Ihrem Haus installiert ist, werden Sie sich nie wieder Gedanken darüber machen. Außer wenn Sie Komplimente für ihre schönen Dachrinnen und Ablaufrohre bekommen, was sicher passieren wird.

HFX stainless sounds expensive. Can I afford it?

ROOFINOX roofs, facades and drainage systems may cost a little more initially, but not as much more as you might expect. In the medium and long term, the calculation turns out very much in your favor. ROOFINOX building elements will last for several generations, and you won't be faced with any surprises such as repairs or renovations. Safe, secure and predictable with ROOFINOX.

Is HFX stainless more difficult to work with than other metals?

We can answer this question with a clear "no" - processing can be carried out in exactly the same way as with other metal roofs.

Discover our facade products here

Discover our roof products here

Discover our roof drainage here

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