ROOFINOX ROEL - The cleaning oil for HFX stainless

ROOFINOX ROEL is a special cleaning oil for HFX stainless processors. It is suitable for cleaning machines and hand tools as well as for cleaning ROOFINOX surfaces.

Instructions for use:

Cleaning machines and tools: Spread the ROEL evenly on a cloth or paper towel and wipe the tools, roll forming sets or bending beams.  Dirt, grime and metal particles are removed and the residue is visible on the cloth.
Cleaning ROOFINOX surfaces (except ROOFINOX TIN and PLASMA ): Spread the ROEL evenly on a cloth or paper towel and apply to the surface. As it is an oil, the cleaned area remains visible for longer. The ROEL should be applied to large areas. The oil dissolves after several days.