DURA-brilliant (brush-rolled and electro-coloured)

Character: colored, graceful, durable

Brilliant, lively colors thanks to the electrochemical coloring of the HFX stainless steel. ROOFINOX DURA gives your house a unique appearance. Like no other.

The coloring is done through an electrochemical process and with the help of the natural self-healing layer, which is firmly connected to the stainless steel and is elastic. No dyes or pigments are applied to the surface, so the unmistakable structure of the ROOFINOX HFX stainless is retained. The different thickness of the chromium oxide creates an interference color filter that reflects the light spectrum differently depending on the viewing angle. Thus achieves an extraordinary colour effect with ROOFINOX DURA. This is how your home becomes something very special.

Design variety


Stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, weatherproof and resistant to aging. The material can be processed, folded and easily soldered by the craftsman. With the help of the interference colour filter, colours are created without colour. This means that no pigments are applied to the surface. The surface remains 100% natural and 100% UV-resistant. So you will enjoy your roof, your facade or your gutter made of DURA-brilliant, the electro-coloured HFX stainless for shimmering colour architecture.

ROOFINOX DURA-brilliant has the unique surface structure of ROOFINOX CLASSIC and is available in three different standard colours (Champagne, Bronze, and Black). In addition, ROOFINOX DURA is also available in a matte finish (DURA-matte) for an even greater variety of colours.

Colour variety

DURA-brilliant Champagne

DURA-brilliant Bronze

DURA-brilliant Black

Technical Facts

  • up to 35% softer *
  • lower tool and machine wear
  • higher corrosion resistance * due to special production process
  • best solderability due to special surface structure
  • very easy to clean


  • coloured through an electro-colouring process using a transparent chrome oxide layer
  • the chrome oxide layer is part of the HFX Stainless and elastic
  • no paints or pigments are applied to the surface
  • the unrivalled structure of brush-rolled HFX Stainless gives it a special aesthetic
  • unusual colour effects that change with lighting and viewing angle
  • no colour changes due to UV-light
  • easy to work and seam
Designoberflächen aus HFX Edelstahl in der Farbe Schwarz von ROOFINOX.

Available widths and thicknesses:

Alloy:304 / 1.4301 (standard) | 316L / 1.4404
Availability:seamable HFX sheet metal (max. 6.4 m)
Thickness:0.5 mm (standard) | 0.4 mm | 0.6 mm | 0.8 mm | 1.2 mm
Width:1250 mm 

For details, please contact our team or take a look at our catalogue.

HFX stainless in more than 50 different finishes:

Discover our facade systems: