Can HFX stainless be 4 times stronger?

What is true strength in roofing material?

What are the advantages of this strength?

Roofs and facades are particularly stressed components. Decades or sometimes even centuries of function require particularly resistant materials and components. At the same time, increasingly frequent and severe weather extremes pose challenges for most materials. Sustainability and environmental considerations exacerbate this problem.

ROOFINOX is the inventor of HFX stainless technology. We are an Austrian manufacturer and the only complete supplier of roof and facade systems.
Like no other.  ROOFINOX developed highly flexible HFX stainless over 30 years ago. This material is completely carefree - 4 times more matte, up to 35% more flexible and the only complete system available for roof and facade with the first 60-year warranty.

Strong, stronger, ROOFINOX

HFX stainless is four times stronger. Stronger compared to what? And how can this be determined?

The strength of metals can be objectively measured as strength.
A tensile test is used to measure the force at which the material sample tears.
The yield strength of different construction metals determined in this way is compared in the diagram below.

It is clear that HFX stainless is four times stronger than aluminum and more than three times stronger than zinc. However, copper and steel are also significantly less resistant than HFX stainless.

It is precisely this strength and durability that makes HFX stainless the most durable and carefree building metal for roofs and facades. With the particularly matte and coloured surfaces from ROOFINOX, there are also no limits in terms of design.

What are the advantages of the strongest construction metal?

The most obvious advantage of this strength is its mechanical resilience. Storms, hail and increasingly extreme weather conditions are no match for HFX stainless. This particularly high resistance to severe weather makes HFX stainless roofs the first choice in the Alpine region for buildings subject to particularly heavy use, such as mountain huts or cable cars.

The strength of HFX stainless is also reflected in the durability and longevity of our roofs and facades, which is why we can offer the only 60-year limited warranty available on the market. Lastly, one problem that is frequently observed is that fasteners and screws rub through the roof covering; this is impossible with HFX stainless due to its true strength.

At the same time, HFX stainless also offers special protection against vandalism. HFX stainless from ROOFINOX is very economical to work with, as the thickness allows material thicknesses of 0.5 mm to be used! This makes our products particularly lightweight coverings. This is particularly important for renovations or historic buildings.

In addition to weather extremes, the strength of HFX stainless is currently in high demand as a roof covering for PV systems and solar installations. Its strength makes it possible to produce a particularly resistant solar platform on which neither wind forces nor expansion can cause damage.

The long-term rain-tightness of roofing and roof drainage made of HFX stainless is promoted by seamed and soldered connections. These remain tight in the long term and are resistant to ice and snow without any ongoing maintenance work.

The low heat-induced expansion of HFX stainless prevents seams or flashing from cracking. At the same time, the unlimited UV resistance and strength of HFX stainless ensures that no maintenance or servicing is required.

What influence does strength have on sustainability and environmental aspects?

The advantage of HFX stainless is its unrivalled durability! Our materials last for generations - if a building is to be dismantled at some point, our products are particularly suitable for circular construction and can be easily recycled according to type.

What's more, erosion is impossible with HFX stainless, which means that rainwater does not erode heavy metals and microplastics from coatings cannot get into the rainwater. This means that rainwater can seep away locally or rainwater can be utilised on site.

The durability and resource efficiency make HFX stainless particularly sustainable - more strength means less material used (0.5 mm) and fewer pollutants during production - longer durability means less refurbishment and less waste!

There are many terms and complexities in connection with stainless steel, 
so there can be a lot to discuss.

Arrange a personal consultation with us!


Find out in a personal meeting what you should pay attention to when deciding on materials. This will help you to avoid undesirable results and complaints.
To experience the quality of our products and surfaces, we will be happy to send you a sample folder with original sample sheets.

From Austria - the better alternative

ROOFINOX is the Austrian manufacturer of the only complete stainless steel system for roofs and facades. Like no other.

The following 9 properties show some of the differences between HFX stainless, conventional stainless steel and other construction metals. At the same time, these properties are the main reasons why HFX stainless is perceived as a better alternative.

4 times stronger

HFX stainless is four times stronger than aluminium. This makes HFX stainless the strongest construction metal and particularly resistant to hail, storms and vandalism.

4 times matte

HFX stainless is four times more matte (88% less reflection) than conventional stainless steel. Because shiny stainless steel surfaces only belong on buildings if they are desired.

35% more flexible

The highly flexible HFX stainless was specially developed for roofs and facades. It is therefore 1/3 more flexible than conventional stainless steel and ensures a more attractive result.

1/3 less expansion

Less waviness, less expansion noise, less stress on the supporting structure and the longest roof membranes thanks to the low thermal expansion of HFX stainless.

80% less CO2 emissions

250m² of HFX stainless roof or facade saves 64,000 kilometres of driving compared to conventional stainless steel. A typical specialist company thus saves 1,600,000 kilometres per year!

60-year warranty

The best building metal goes hand in hand with the longest warranty for roof and facade systems available on the market.

Colour without colour

Coloured HFX stainless retains its colour without pigments or paints. This means that our coloured surfaces provide colour for generations.

Complete system

We are the only and first complete supplier of roof and facade systems made of HFX stainless. Everything from a single source.

From Austria

Why rely on global supply chains when good things are so close at hand?

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